AIPPI Magyar Csoportja – Hungarian Group of AIPPI

Since of April 15, 2011 the Hungarian Patent Act contains a provision in Article 104(2) according to which in circle of ruling on the necessity to protect the plaintiff’s rights deserving special appreciation which one of the preconditions of ordering preliminary injunction the court shall specifically take into account whether the subject patent was revoked by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, or the European patent effective also in the Republic of Hungary was revoked by an opposition division of the European Patent Office or in another Member State of the European Patent Organisation.

Budapest, 2011, p.99

The bilingual (Hungarian and English) Annual Report starts with the Preface of Dr. Bendzsel, President of the Office under the title: Dynamo and piano: new impetus for intellectual property. After short reports (with pictures) on Outstanding events of the year 2010 and "Achievements and successes" the Annual Report contains the following chapters: